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Monday 27 April 2009


Today is Monday, 27th April 2009....
3 days before the end of April...
And a couple of week before my college start the final exam...
All assignment that teacher give have been done...
Next week is a study week...
I still don't prepare anything for my revision..
I hope that I can answer final exam question properly...
And also hope that I can repair my CGPA..

Sunday 26 April 2009

The End Of A Month APRIL:

We're almost to the end of the month of APRIL...
Many things happened in this month...
Example like changes of our number one people in our Malaysia, from Pak Lah to Najib...
many things also happened in my life...
this month, I got my loan from MARA...
After a long time I wait this moment...
I hope went we start a new month, our life also can be better and better...
That's all for today..
Hope see you'll again...
In a new month...MAY...
And don't forget to wish me birthday in 3th May...
From 22 to 23.....
I'm getting older...hahaha3

Saturday 11 April 2009

Give Me A Tips....

How can I improve my English languages?
And how I want to write correctly with don't make any mistake in grammar?
Who can teach me?
Or what tips I suppose to use?
Tell me please....

Saturday 4 April 2009


Lambat gile nk dapat loan...
dlm pale hotak dah mcm2 rancangan nk dibuat dgn loan tue...
tp entah jadi ke tidak...
sebelum dapat cakap lain...
dah dapat lain pulak yg dibuat...
Standard la tue....
dah kalu student tu student jugak la...
dapat duit mesti nk enjoy.....
darah tgh muda....
bukan tahu menilai....
tp aku dah senior sket (x bleh panggil tua)...
kna la berfikiran matang...
kna saving klu dah dpt loan...
kna settle hutang yg tertunggak...
mcm2 lg la...

New PM, New Hope....

After our country have a new Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib, I hope he can handle our country properly. Many challenges is in front of him such as global economic crisis nowadays. and also I hope that he can give our country a peaceful and make us happy always.......

Thursday 2 April 2009

New Month, New Life.....

Today is the month of APRIL....
It's a long journey to reach this month...
Many challenge's has been done....
Now, I want to make a new aim to reach my dream...